
Chapter 1: Complexity Management

Article 1: The World of the Industrial Revolution 3.0: Living in a Fluid and Hyper-connected Society. “Be Water, My VULCANIAN Friend”

  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2000). “Liquid Modernity”. Editor: Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 0745624103.
  • Ferry, Luc (2017). “La revolución transhumanista: Cómo la tecnomedicina y la uberización del mundo van a transformar nuestras vidas“. Editor: Alianza Editorial, Grupo Anaya. ISBN 978-8491046912.
  • Gay de Liébana, José María (2020). “Revolución Tecnológica y Nueva Economía: Todos los Secretos Contables de Apple, Google, Facebook y Amazon al Descubierto”. Editor: DEUSTO, S.A. Ediciones. Barcelona. ISBN 978-8423431281.
  • Gorissen, Leen (2020). “Building the Future of Innovation on Millions of Years of Natural Intelligence”. Editor: Studio Transitio. ISBN 978-9464007572.
  • Harari, Yuval Noah (2017). “Homo Deus: a Brief History of Tomorrow”. Editor: Random House UK. ISBN 978-1784703936.
  • Solé, Ricard; Moses, Melanie; Forrest, Stephanie (2019). “Liquid brains, solid brains”. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, Vol. 374: 20190040,

Article 2: The Grand VULCANIAN Challenge: Planning the Uncertainty and Sustaining the Change

  • Dorenbaum, David (2020) “¿Podemos los Seres Humanos Cambiar?”. EL PAIS SEMANAL, 2nd August 2020.
  • Parrish, Shane and Farnam Street (2012) “The Red Queen Effect: Avoid Running Faster and Faster Only to Stay in the Same Place“.
  • Rodó, José Enrique (2006). “Motivos de Proteo”. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Original publication: Montevideo, Casa A. Barreiro y Ramos, 1957.

Article 3: Understanding the Simplicity of Complexity: the Chaos Theory

Article 4: Navigation Guide for Organisations Sailing the Edge of Chaos

  • Moravec, J.W.; Spinder P.; Stokman, B.; Besselink, T. et al. (2013). “Knowmad Society”. Education Futures LLC, edited by John W. Moravec. Link to on-line publication.
  • Roca, R. (2018). “Knowmads: Los Trabajadores del Futuro”. LID Editorial Empresarial. ISBN: 978-8417277345.
  • Saratxaga, K. (2004). “¿Sinfonia o Jazz?: Koldo Saratxaga y el Modelo Irizar. Un Modelo Basado en las Personas”. Editorial Granica. ISBN: 9788475777207.
  • Satell, G. (2015). “What Makes an Organisation Networked“. Harvard Business Review. Link to on-line publication.
  • Ticoll, D. (2004). “Get Self-Organised”. Harvard Business Review. Link to on-line publication.

Article 5: Self-Organisation: Holacracy, Honeybees and Organoids